

Amílkar U., Nadaísta
Trans. by Camilo Roldán

Nor torsos. Here were the words dark matter. Ritual archeology – delve into an alternate university’s torture workshop. Nobody studies (studies of nobodies). Witness ourselves these carcasses in livid vivisection. Candlelit gallery, stained glass, discarded harpsichord, gory furniture. And stanzas amass that languish withstanding.


Drinking with Matthew

Eric Gelsinger, Drinking with Matthew

What did the mystic say to his shrink? Listen to this misfortunate bliss. My personal man party, dick jokes and poker, art and sports (sparts!), fandemonium, a million yuks. The thinking instills intimate bullshit from a deep, drunk, middle-class childhood. Ball pit, roller rink, dirty feeling. Money humiliates all of us assholes. Keeping it real: I could pee an eternity.


Cara Benson

Cara Benson, Cara Benson

Identity and principle. "I" – lip-synching hypocrite (“Cara Benson”) confront power, center stage. She makes a spectacle of caring desperately, swallowing pride, then genuine raging. Lines break w/ a clarity that clears the auditorium’s air. "I" – disembodied “audience” slowly disengage, fall from my chair. There’s no misreading the cataclysmic: “It’s coming.” So why O why do we leave her pleading?


Headless Multi Vs Perpetual Interface

Billy Cancel, Headless Multi Vs Perpetual Interface

Book as blizzard of sizzling drill bits. We’re out, wasted latenights, walking into walls, picking fights we can’t win. Our grid scout – Billy in silver facepaint. Songs happen upon: patterned litterfall, syntax trainwrecks, pixely derelicts, poplocking drunk. A funky cosmos juxtaposed. His rhythms ramble (bramble status). The feet maintain, but the brains beat in.